Kid Speak

I was rocking my almost four year old daughter tonight and she asked, “are you having twins?” I told her “nope there is only one.” She was slightly upset and asked why there was only one baby because she wants two. Then began a long discussion. “Why did God only give you one baby?” I told her God puts the babies in the mommy’s bellies and the mommy’s don’t pick how many or if they are a boy or girl. She tells me she wants to know if the baby is a girl and she wants two. She ask me if the baby will have her hair color or her sister’s color. I love that this little girl is so curious about the baby. After having the discussion with her I almost wish there were twins. I think about how excited she is and wonder what it would be like to have twins. I will be able to see see since my brother-in-law and his wife will have twins later this year. We have already had our ultrasound and there was only one baby. Trust me, I asked. My little girl started talking twins before we told them so I asked and she asked me after we left the doctor. I know it is something strange to write but I want to remember this when she is older.

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